
Inga Thordar

Editorial and Programming Director
CNN Digital Worldwide

Inga Thordar is the editorial and programming director of CNN Digital Worldwide, overseeing international digital content. She was previously BBC’s editor on World News Television bringing together TV and digital production teams and commissioning. Thordar edited the BBC’s news front page as well as lead digital innovations on both TV and radio platforms. Prior to that, she lead a team of video journalists at the BBC who used the latest technology available to create innovative quality videos for digital and TV properties.


The platform dilemma: how to balance truth, popularity and engagement


The media lexicon added some new vocabulary in 2016: post-truth, trolls, bots and fake news. Platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, were at the centre of a worldwide debate after the election of Donald Trump. Eight months later, we will check in on the relationship between platforms and news media. Lara Setrakian will be […]

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