
Callum Bryson

City of London Academy

Callum is 16 years old and studies at City of London Academy. He is studying Physics, Psychology, Maths and Chemistry and is a very active member of the school’s Debating Society.

Callum says: “Living in a globalised society has resulted in my exposure to various outlets from across the world. This has influenced my interest in alternative media sources – such as social media – as well as outlets of the mainstream, such as BBC News, The New York Times and The Guardian.”


How can you attract millennials and Generation Z? Hire them


Out with the so-called experts speaking on behalf of younger generations. Why not ask millennials and Gen Z teens to speak for themselves? Callum and Georgina are both 16 years old and coming from opposite sides of the Atlantic. They are both interested in news media and eager to share what trends they are following […]

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